Alternative Mesothelioma treatment

There are no particular alternative mesothelioma treatment but yes some alternative fields in the treatment of mesothelioma.

Acupuncture is been used to treat mesothelioma, just by inserting the needle to the particular point where the Mesothelamic cells are there.There are also some breathing exercise to make the patient to breathe freely as mesothelioma patient may feel problem while breathing.Some relaxing exercise may be done to reduce the tension of the patient.Homeopathic medicine is also used to treat the mesothelioma.Iscador is a type of herbal drug which increases the body immunity system.A herbal supplement called as Essiac been used.Rich Vitamins and Minerals been given in such treatment.Bach Flower is also been used in such cases.


Pleural Mesothelioma

This kind of Mesothelioma occurs in the Pleura of the lung. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma in which the serous membrane of the lung been attacked the most. The Pleural mesothelioma as often caused by the inhalation of Asbestos lung cancer but always it should be remembered that it should not be confused with Asbestosis which is a type of asbestos disease.This type of disease actually caused by the settlement of the inhaled asbestos on the lining of pleura of lung and cause chronic inflammation which then may turn to the cancer cell in form of tumors. Both the visceral and parietal surface been attacked by such mesothelioma, mainly the parietal surface been in higher exposure.The cancerous cell than can invade the other parts of the body , including the heart and abdomen, sometimes the mesothelioma can enter the systemic circulation also. Sometimes it is seen as breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Symptoms of Pleural mesothelioma : Some common symptoms may arise such as breathing problem which is called as dyspnea, apart from that weight loss also is seen, night sweats with sometimes fever is being noted. But yes the most prominent is the chest pain as in case of pleural mesothelioma, the tumor grows rapidly and tries to fill the pleural space, causing discomfort and pain, which is the first and prominent sign.

Prognosis of pleural mesothelioma: Studies proved that the average survival rate of the patients suffering from such Plueral mesothelioma is about 8 months. Though the survival rate of such disease, is very less in case of patients having biphasic mesothelioma.


Treatment of Mesothelioma

There aredifferent types of treatment for malignant Mesothelioma but they depends upon the stages of the mesothelioma.There are different kinds of standard treatment such as Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy.
In Surgery,Pneumonectomy and Pluerectomy actually been done .The Pleural Mesothelioma is also known as ICD -9 code 163 and the Pericardial Mesothelioma is known as ICD-9 code 164.The operative mortality rate in case of Pluerectomy is comparatively less than the Pneumonectomy.The radiation therapy is being used mainly in the Pleural Mesothelioma and Doxorubicin is being mainly used but in maximumcases its seen that side effects persists and no much Long survival been recorded.Alimta also is combined with the Cisplatin to give better result in case of giving the sisplatin alone, the progression of cancerous cells are comparatively slow in case of the combination treatment.


Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Various symptoms may be seen in different kinds of Mesothelioma.In Case of Plural mesothelioma, there is breathing problem and sometimes severe chest pain also notable as the liquid may accumulate in the Lung during this Plural Mesothelioma. In case of Peritoneal Mesothelioma,there may be various types of symtoms includes sudden abdominal pain, weight loss, Blood clotting abnormalities may occur.Fever and anemia complications may arise with some problems in colon.Sometimes its seen that the Mesothelioma may spread to the other parts of the body , in such cases , the neck and throat pain may be observed.In case of chest X-ray its seen that in maximum cases , the right lung is being attacked 60%.Sometimes lumps may occur under the skin of the chest.Dry cough may create expell of blood with it.Night sweats also been experienced in such cancer disease.Irregular heart beat is a common symptom in this case.


Mesothelioma Common facts

Mesothelioma is nothing but in a common word, the cancer of mesothelium.Now the question is what is mesothelium -- Its a protective membrane of the body;s inner organ.Actually the mesothelium contains double layers, one is surrounding the organ and the other is forming a sac around that.Mesothelium actually forms a liquid fluid which lubricates. Suppose the heart is always expanding and contracting during the siastole and diastole movement so the lubricating liquid actually protect the heart from other organs.In the case of Lung also same thing happens.

In Mesothelioma , the mesothelium actually shows abnormality in growth and dividation, which may produce serious damage to the other organs of the body.So spreading to the other parts of the body is possible in mesothelioma. These cases are seen specially in the pleura and peritonium.


Malignant Mesothelioma news update

Malignant Mesothelioma is a very rare and sensitive cancer disease in which the malignant cells actually develops in the Protective lining of the internal body organ like Heart and Lung. In lung the Malignant cell is seen actually in plura and in heart, the malignant cells are seen in peritoneum. Sometimes testicular Mesothelioma is also seen in the lining of internal membrane called as tunica vaginalis .The case studies of Mesothelioma proved that it actually occurs specially on the people who come on contact of the asbestos particles. The asbestos actually when inhaled, they used to stick to the protective lining in the heart or lung which may cause inflammation and eventually can cause Mesothelioma .There are various common symptoms of Mesothelioma are shortness of breathe, chest pain and frequently seen that patient may loss the weight drastically. Here in Mesothelioma it’s sometimes seen that patient may face some blueness in veins. In some cases blood may come out with the sputum. Its been experienced that at once of asbestos exposure, Mesothelioma will not occur, after 20-30 years of exposure at least , the disease will take place. When dividation of Malignant Mesothelioma is done according to the biological sources , it is of three types – Biphasic, Epithelial and Sarcomatoid .Majority of the percentage suffers from Epithelial Mesothelioma, about 20 percent suffers from Biphasic and some patient suffers from Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma. Epithelial cells are Uniform in shape but yes they are closely resembled, though the Sarcomatoid cells are elongated in shape. Biphasic are seen in groups and both mixture of cells are seen.

The treatment of Malignant Mesothelioma is somewhat similar as ordinary cancer like chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery if needed. It depends though the maturity of the Mesothelioma disease stage.

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